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WebApp Setup Data Sheet for MiniZ

2 participants

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WebApp Setup Data Sheet for MiniZ Empty WebApp Setup Data Sheet for MiniZ

Message  davidino Jeu 27 Juin 2013 - 18:55

Hello guys!
After a long period of work, i’m here to announce that finally WebApp
Online Setup Data Sheet for MR-03!
is working and online!!!

This webApp was designed to be used with smartphones, helping in compilation and sharing of our setup!!!!
Available features are:
- Add new, edit or delete own setup
- Simple or complete setup data sheet model
- can choose sharing level between Private, club, public
- can complete your setup at any time, all progress are saved
- View your complete setup in PDF format (so you can share it on social network, send it via mail, or save it)
- change account settings
- view setup archive for shared setup of other users or search for a specific user setup
- View any other user shared setup online or view it in pdf format
- evaluation system for own or other users setup

Hope you all enjoy it and hope it could be useful!

Web App is best viewed on SmartPhones, but can also be used in Chrome, Safari, Opera Browsers without compatibility issues… other Browsers (like Explorer) have compatibility issues.

The link to access:
Pilote de voiture "pot de yaourt"
Pilote de voiture

Messages : 24
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2012
Age : 54
Localisation : Italy

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WebApp Setup Data Sheet for MiniZ Empty Re: WebApp Setup Data Sheet for MiniZ

Message  mikou Ven 28 Juin 2013 - 12:36

Hello this is my setup for the PNWC 2013 in 70T Best regards Smile
Pilote de Mini-z
Pilote de Mini-z

Messages : 536
Date d'inscription : 09/08/2012
Age : 38

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